Microsoft Virtual Security Summit am 29.03.2016

Am 29. März 2016 findet von 21:00 – 24:00 Uhr deutscher Zeit (12:00 pm – 3:00 pm ET) ein kostenfreier Online Security Summit von Microsoft statt.

Cyberattacks cost organizations $400 billion a year. It seems nearly every week a new cyberattack is announced, against a corporation, a government agency, or a nonprofit organization. This has made cybersecurity a top issue for IT, Security, Legal and the board room. On March 29th, hear from top security experts and key Microsoft security professionals for a three-hour event dedicated to better understanding today’s Enterprise Security industry.

By attending the Virtual Security Summit, you will:

  • Learn about modern cybercriminals and their evolving tactics
  • Hear how cyberwar and cyberterrorism affect you and your organization
  • Learn from leading security experts about how they keep their organization safe
  • Discover tools you can use to keep your people, platforms and devices secure

Hier ein Auszug aus der derzeitigen Agenda:

  • The State of Cybersecurity
  • Who is the Modern Cybercriminal?
  • Anatomy of a Breach: How Hackers Break In
  • Fighting Cybercrime with the Intelligent Security Graph
  • Why You Should Trust the Cloud in These Tumultuous Times
  • What is the Future of Cybersecurity?
  • Protecting Your Organization on a Single Security Platform
  • Live Demo: Protecting against, Detecting and Responding to Threats
  • Expert Perspective: Microsoft’s CISO on Cybersecurity

Weitere Informationen und Anmeldemöglichkeit findet ihr hier.

Viele Grüße

Dieter Rauscher
MVP Cloud and Datacenter Management