Heute möchte ich euch auf ein demnächst erscheinendes Buch aufmerksam machen:
Enterprise Mobility Suite – Managing BYOD and Company-Owned Devices
Von Yuri Diogenes und Jeff Gilbert
Beide Autoren arbeiten bei Microsoft und besitzen umfangreiches Know-How im Enterprise Mobility Thema.
Das englischsprachige Buch ist ab ca. Mitte April verfügbar. Derzeit bei Amazon angegebener Preis: 16,95 Euro.
Enterprise Mobility Suite – Managing BYOD and Company-Owned Devices is the first authoritative, scenario-based guide to enabling your mobile workforce. Two expert Microsoft authors introduce Microsoft’s breakthrough Enterprise Mobility Suite, and demonstrate how to use it as your single solution for mobile device management of all leading smartphone and tablet platforms: Windows, iOS, and Android. The authors walk you through BYOD infrastructure planning and design, introducing proven best practices for protecting both employee privacy and corporate assets without compromising productivity. They offer step-by-step guidance for all facets of Enterprise Mobility Suite planning, design, deployment, and administration — all illuminated with real-world scenarios directly relevant to working IT professionals.
Coverage includes:
- Planning to enable your mobile workforce with the Enterprise Mobility Suite
- Understanding and implementing Hybrid Identity Management for BYOD users of datacenter and cloud resources
- Unifying management of all BYOD and company-owned devices, regardless of platform
- Implementing secure data access that protects both corporate and personal information
- Centrally monitoring and troubleshooting BYOD and company-owned devices
Ich habe das Buch (natürlich) bereits vorbestellt. Ich bin gespannt!
Weitere Informationen:
- ISBN-13: 978-0735698406
- Enterprise Mobility Suite – Managing BYOD and Company-Owned Devices (Englisch) Taschenbuch [Amazon Deutschland]
Viele Grüße
Dieter Rauscher
MVP Enterprise Security